Bloom Baby Bloom

My sister recently sent me a card with the sentiment “Bloom Baby Bloom”. It was to wish me luck for the business open house. Included with the card was a $2 bill that someone had given to her for good luck when she opened a business many years ago. It was a lovely, and thoughtful gesture and I hope it brings me as much good fortune as it has brought her. Having done most of my growing up in Florida, with access to fresh fruits and vegetables year round , I’ve found it difficult to navigate the growing season here in Colorado. Since I moved here, I’ve been told ‘plant nothing until after Mother’s day,’ which means you won’t get a solid tomato until mid August! As I noticed the gardens in my neighborhood thriving at the height of the growing season, at the same time I received my sister’s card, I was struck by the obvious metaphor: I am in full bloom! 

Whenever I’ve planted a garden from seeds, I obsessively check every day to see if a little green stem is making its way up from the depths of the soil. What a struggle that must be for the seed! At each stage of the growing process I am in awe of mother nature, how she takes her time to grow beautiful and wonderful things that nourish our bodies and souls. I may ritualistically check and obsess over the growth and progress each seed makes, but they will grow in their own time, my watchful eye has no impact on the process. Yet another metaphor for me this week, in considering the slow growth of my business.

People did not burst down the doors and register in droves for the open house. Yoga classes are not full and I have yet to facilitate my first aromatherapy appointment. I am struggling to keep up with my own expectations for marketing and social media posts, etc. However, I am planting small seeds. I have a neighbor who is so delighted to have this space in our community, she has been attending yoga classes regularly since the open house. She is so excited, she is recruiting friends to attend with her and letting other neighbors know about yoga classes. The seeds I am planting, they will bloom in their own time. My intent was to bring people joy and healing through yoga, to create a community, particularly of women, to convene and enjoy and support one another. That is happening, I already feel a kindred connection with my neighbor and I can’t wait to see what this experience brings for both of us. 

What a wonderful time in my life, to feel like a Lotus flower rising out of the mud to become a something more beautiful each and every day. Over the course of my life I have chosen to be in the background, working hard, being diligent, being responsible to the point of suffocating myself. In this midlife transition I am embracing the flow, a desire for adventure, joy in the small things and taking chances. Each day I grow to become more creative, more resilient, more confident and free.

Join our community and embrace your own blooming process. Explore yoga and aromatherapy for personal growth, your first session is free! Click here to learn more.

Essential Oil Tip: Diffusing Cedarwood in an essential oil diffuser during meditation practice can help us venture inward. Creating space for personal growth.


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