I recently rewatched the movie Brave with my friend’s 4-year-old son. I love a good Disney movie, and this is one of my favorites. Princess Merida is fierce, independent, a rule breaker, and she is determined to create her own path in life. I was reminded of my own journey this past year, and my personal commitment to writing my own rules. I also have a rule of three, if something presents itself to me three times or more, it is something I need to pay attention to. The theme of bravery has presented itself many times this week. First with the movie, followed by comments from strangers, and it seemed essential to share it with you today.
As someone living with anxiety, brave is not an adjective I would use to describe myself. Anxiety has always created an element of fear in my life; fear of the unknown, fear of getting into trouble, being afraid to do something wrong, fear of failure, etc., bravery was never part of the equation. I have been referred to as a rule follower, a people pleaser, and I have lived most of my life afraid something will go wrong (and as we all know, things do go wrong). I was very surprised to experience being referred to as ‘brave’ many times this week. During my travels the following comments have been made:
“Are you traveling alone… [yes], wow, you’re so brave, I could never do that!”
“I could never tow our camper, you’re very brave.”
“What do you do for work… [I’m starting my own business], oh that’s brave of you.”
“Is that another husky, so you have two? That’s really brave!” (ok, having two huskies isn’t brave, it’s just crazy so let’s just leave that one alone).
Merriam-Webster defines brave as “having or showing mental or moral strength to face danger, fear, or difficulty: having or showing courage”. My first reaction reading this definition, was nope…I am definitely not brave! However, as I am writing this and editing and rereading the definition, it’s starting to sink in. I am someone living with anxiety, and I am pushing myself outside of my comfort zone. I am a single woman, pulling a damn camper with two dogs across the US, I am visiting new places and I don’t have much of a plan. I have relied on the kindness of strangers and had to ask for help (many, many times). I will return from this trip, with no steady income, only the willpower to start a new business. Seems pretty brave to me!
During an energy healing session several months ago, I was asked “what would it be like to live a life without fear?” That question was enlightening, and the sense of fear I often have is something I continue to unpack for myself. As I reflect on the past 3 months, it would appear as if I have shown the mental strength to face my own fears and any difficulties that have presented themselves. I have shown courage and perseverance. So, by all accounts, it would appear as if brave were the perfect word to describe me in this moment. Rather than dismiss being referred to as brave, from here on out I will embrace it with a big “HELL YES I’m brave”.
As I think about how I want to wrap up this piece, I am reminded of a quote from Princess Merida, “there are those who say fate is something beyond our command. That destiny is not our own. But I know better. Our fate lives within us. You only have to be brave enough to see it.” Perhaps I was never supposed to live a life filled with fear and worry, perhaps my destiny is to live a life of empowerment and bravery. I can already feel my perspective shifting, it’s time to embrace my destiny, rather than shy away from it.
I invite you to take a moment and reflect on a time when you were brave, a time you faced your fears, or showed courage. What were the circumstances, how did you respond, what contributed to your bravery? Now think of a situation you may be facing that has you riddled with fear and worry, what stops you from being brave? You know you have it within you!